Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Passage Of Time and Those Before…


After too many years the gold watch is back on my wrist. Its not the most comfortable to wear. . . half the reason for wearing it. For I know its there every minute of the day. . . Thus it reminds me of the passage of time -  most precious of all things. It also serves to remind me of those who have passed before me . . . and the debt I owe them.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Pen and ink sketch artist Exhibition opens.

The first exhibition by pen and ink sketch artist Dean Haeusler opened at the Polo Red Gallery in Cooma NSW Last Friday.

Exhibit 1

exhibit 2

exhibit 3

Second time round.

Last year was scheduled to get a new laptop to replace the ageing and slowly crashing desktop system. Must say I had a good run out of that old desktop. . . much better than what I had gotten out of several of the earlier, custom, overclocked machines I had played around with over the years. Anyway the chip had broken down and then the monitor died, and the pathetic secondhand  bit of shit monitor never worked. . . and because it lived  - where I now live, shunned to a shipping container, no internet access. This was all meant to change 12 months ago with the gift of a new laptop . . . but that money I had to use in other directions, so only now has the gift of a new Laptop arrived.

Thanks Mum.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

View from the top of the world



aug16 134

Amazing what gets cropped out of photos eh?

Dodge in the bush.

dodge stepside

Well look at that will ya, an old dodge stepside out in da bush.

nothin’ left to believe in…

As lemmy says, "The older ya get the less there is to believe in. " Ain't that the fuckin' truth.  A bit like that card carrying space monkey half a block off Red Square...and we thought those days would never end. Fuck me they were over before they began, or so it would seem, in fact its hard to even remember them now in this anethetised mundane existence. But truth be known my generation rode in on the back of a broken dream,  but sadly enough the next generation didn't even have the broken fuckin dream to follow. And now what is it but a squalor of mediocrity, hence a lack of conviction of any sort. As Lemmy said, as ya get older, there ain't nothing left to believe in.

Monday, August 9, 2010





“Hey I  got an idea.”



“I’ll be a little arsehole.”


Sunday, July 25, 2010

Morning frost



Haircut time


Pit Bike on Pushbike track





Boof in harness



“Hey I dunno why its there, but there’s something behind me.”


“OK this is jus to much, there is now a log following me around.”

And what took place next wasn’t caught on camera, the photographer was to busy dodging logs and horses


“This is bullshit, I’ve already got rid of this log once today.”


Oh Shit…




Saturday, July 10, 2010

Motorhead For Life

Quotes from Lemmy.

Lemmy Kilmister

“People don't read any more. It's a sad state of affairs. Reading's the only thing that allows you to use your imagination. When you watch films it's someone else's vision, isn't it?"

Lemmy Kilmister

"...what happened in New York and Washington is the same thing that England and America did to Berlin every day for three years during World War II -- and Germany did the same thing to England."
—Lemmy Kilmister

"Motörhead is nothing if not democratic, but I don't think it's fair to be waving your dick around when people are minding their own business and might not want to see it."
-Lemmy Kilmister.

“Good evening… We are Motörhead… and we play rock ‘n’ roll.”

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Friday, April 9, 2010

location ain’t everything



‘Tis a beautiful location. But that’s about where it stops. Two years in this fishbowl existence is about equivalent to 20 years anywhere else. Its about time to move on.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Something special…


Niki is allowed in the yard, cause she is special!!

There’s somethin’ a bit special in this pic too ain’t there.


Hmmmm interesting…


40 years old…

an I get an exploding cake.

This is where all my beer goes…



Ungrateful little shit…



Sunday, March 28, 2010

Leg up


“Leg up Boof…Leg UP”

Junee N.S.W.

 _IGP9500 _IGP9501 _IGP9502 _IGP9503

Locomotives in the yard and the Junee roundhouse.


Junee Hotels




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Across the top to Tumut


There’s Brumbies  in the distance, and in the distance is where they remained,after walkin’ a mile through some sort  of Alpine swamp.


Several of the newly constructed mountain huts along the road to Tumut from Cooma…a token gesture I’d say, with all the signs proclaiming “No Camping”. Bottom one is called Dellaney’s.



Map picture