Sunday, November 29, 2009

Lemmy Kilmister says,

“Apparently people don't like the truth, but I do like it; I like it because it upsets a lot of people. If you show them enough times that their arguments are bullshit, then maybe just once, one of them will say, 'Oh! Wait a minute - I was wrong.' I live for that happening. Rare, I assure you.”

“I don't understand people who believe that if you ignore something, it'll go away. That's completely wrong - if it's ignored it gathers strength. Europe ignored Hitler for twenty years. As a result he slaughtered a quarter of the world!”

“In my life so far, I have discovered that there are really only two kinds of people: those who are for you, and those who are against you. Learn to recognize them, for they are often and easily mistaken for each other.”

“Fuck this "Don't speak ill of the dead" shit! People don't become better when they are dead; you just talk about them as if they are. But it's not true! People are still arseholes, they're just dead arseholes.”

Nobody could 'ave put it better Lemmy, your a fuckin' legend.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Quote of the day…

“You told us to imagine, and we imagined your irrelevance!”

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Anybody interested in,I dunno underground, or simply overlooked american music, try here.

Should be more sites like this on the net…be more like back in the old days then…more a concept of “what can we give…rather than the current,,,what can we take??” mentality that is all pervasive.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Computer still awaiting its heart transplant.

Still my computer awaits its heart transplant, but the new heart (in the form of a refurb cpu) is somewhere in the mail….surprise surprise, I hate fuckin ebayers who get the money and then wait a week to send off the item, usually with some bullshit explanation. Anyway hence no computer, posts have dwindled off, but killin time here are a few links  for the metalheads and punks.





Wednesday, October 14, 2009

English Russia

I’m not sure why this particular blog attracts the amount of  savage and  bitter  feedback that it does.  Sometimes maybe the details are a little hazy, and on occasion maybe the owner may be accused of leaping to conclusions, but all in all I like the blog and much of its content. English Russia, if you have any interest in Russia,or the former Soviet Union, is worth visiting.

The latest posting is of diamond mines in the far north.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Out Dalgety Way…

Went for a drive to Delgety, well didn't initially set out with that in mind, but rather was engaged in distributing marketing material for Pen and Ink Sketch Artist Dean Haeusler. And somewhere along the way we ended up out at Dalgety, N.S.W., on the banks of the Snowy River.


Its one of those place where the road begins as bitumen, then becomes gravel, and then for no apparent reason at intervals there are short stretches of bitumen. Years back in this country people always said of such instances of bitumen on a gravel road, that these sections were along the road frontage of  local councillors land...cynical perhaps, but often true, I dunno if that is the case with this location or not.


It is elevated country through there, all around 700 to 800 metres, undulating, stony and harsh looking, and I daresay when the wind blows across in mid winter it would be freezing cold.  It is in its open sparseness, beautiful country to travel through. The sort of country where the clouds create distinct  shadows  as they pass over.

And there are signs that once there was a much larger number of inhabitants than there are now, like much of rural Australia these days.  Empty and decaying buildings,  they must feature in somebody's memories, in somebody's story, but for how much longer? Which will cease to exist first the memory or the building?

There's a bridge at Dalgety, a road bridge across the Snowy River,  these days it looks a little like overkill, the amount of water flowing down the Snowy at the moment, a concrete culvert would suffice...maybe one day there will be a decent flow again.


Somewhere out there between Dalgety, Bombala  and Nimmitabel, along the old Bombala Cooma rail line, is the Jincumbilly Siding, it lies between Bombala and Holts Flat Siding.  There is another siding in there we have yet to visit.


This view is out the window of the old hall that is also out there in that area, can't think of the name of it off hand...the name don't matter greatly, it reminds me of John Prines song about memories and the view out dirty windows.


Technorati Tags: ,,,,,,,,,

Blogger Labels: Sketch,Artist,Dean,Haeusler,Snowy,River,Australia,Bombala,Nimmitabel,Cooma

Monday, September 28, 2009

More photos from Far East Gippsland


Buchan Caves, Buchan, East Gippsland, Victoria, Australia.



Looking kinda south east along Dellicknora Valley, Far East Gippsland, Victoria Australia. And looking west from the same location.


Technorati Tags:  ,,,,

Blogger Labels: East Gippsland,Buchan,Victoria,Australia,Dellicknora

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Pen and Ink Sketch Artist – Dean Haeusler

Here is a recent pen and ink sketch by Sketch Artist Dean Haeusler. This sketch is of an old steam winch that was used at the Goongerah Saw Mill, Goongerah is in Far East Gippsland, Victoria, Australia. When the mill was built steam power had long been abandoned in most other locations, but there was no electrical supply to Goongerah so the whole saw mill was steam powered.

The sketch is 16 inches by 20 inches, framed, and available to purchase, contact details can be found on the Artists web site,

Pen and Ink Sketch Artist – Dean Haeusler


Technorati Tags: ,,,,,,,,,,

Blogger Labels: Sketch,Artist,Dean,Haeusler,steam,Goongerah,Mill,East,Gippsland,Victoria,Australia

The Turn Back



These couple of photos taken back in July from Wheelers Saddle, looking across the Snowy Mountains National Park, Victoria Australia.


Technorati Tags:  ,  ,,,,

Windows Live Tags: Wheelers Saddle,Snowy National Park,Victoria,Australia,photos,Mountains

WordPress Tags: Wheelers Saddle,Snowy National Park Victoria,Australia,photos,Mountains

Blogger Labels: Wheelers Saddle,Snowy National Park,Victoria,Australia,photos,Mountains

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Arthur (Art, Ol' Hoosh) Haeusler

Arthur (Arto,Art, Ol' Hoosh) Haeusler.

Passed away 2 August 2009.
Age 93.

You have swung that swag over your shoulder and taken the final journey.

May you find somewhere in the shade out of the heat of the day to rest awhile.
And put together a bloody good story of it all as only you could.

May we meet again one day...down the track a little.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

More Pics from around.

Dellicknora Valley under snow.

View out the shed.

Da Pets

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Pics from around

The Natives

First snow for the season

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Friday, June 5, 2009

Tingeringy Creek

Still Water.

Now that it has rained, water has been collected and the brew will be a bubblin'.

At last some rain.

At last some rain,is this perhaps the first sign of winter. We just hope for more rain at the moment.

Vegie patch

Between months of grasshopper plague, kangaroos, wallabies and wombats the vegie patch doesn't have much chance of success.


Monday, June 1, 2009

Sketch Artist new home page

Pen and ink sketch artist, Dean Haeusler, has just put up a new website. Once again under the original domain, which was out of use for the past several years.
Anyway the new site is at

Monday, May 18, 2009

Out the back door and up the hill a bit

Looking North West across the Alpine National Park

Looking North East into New South Wales.